
Pi币快讯 Erica 5年前 (2020-04-18) 534780次浏览 534829 已收录 4个评论 扫描二维码

快讯:pi项目方宣布超10万人申请节点并将在6月1日前公布节点和超级节点细节Pi Node Update
For Q2 2020, Pi aims to complete the Selection Stage of Pi Testnet, as outlined in the “Testnet Roadmap” section of the Node documentation (minepi.com/node-info) released on March 31, 2020. The Selection Stage includes:

  1. Enabling and organizing all node applicants to smoothly install technical preparation packages needed to run the Node software.
  2. Performing test runs of the consensus algorithm to calibrate node hardware and software requirements.
  3. Selecting the initial candidates that will become Nodes and SuperNodes on Testnet.

Since the launch of Pi’s first version of Nodes on March 31st, over 100,000 Pioneers have applied to be Nodes / SuperNodes on Pi’s Testnet. All node applicants will be given access to the installation flow for the necessary technical packages in the node software by May 1st, 2020. We are currently working on finalizing the necessary packages, and integrating the installation process for those packages into an intuitive and informative interface of the node software that aims to smooth the installation process for Pioneers and accurately inform them of the installation status on their devices.

The Core Team will then test run the consensus algorithm on the devices of Pioneers that successfully installed the node technical preparation packages, and calibrate the requirements of the device hardware and software necessary for achieving a reliable and secure network. We expect to announce more detailed node hardware and software criteria and begin informing applicants of their selection status on a rolling basis by June 1st, 2020. The selected applicants will be invited to complete KYC in order to become a Node or SuperNode candidate in Pi’s Testnet. However, the opening of KYC slots may precede the announcement of the selections for Node because KYC slots selection is an independent process that also enables participation in other parts of the Pi ecosystem (e.g. Apps platform and functionalities in initial apps), the details of which will be included in future posts on Pi’s Apps Platform.

翻译:自从 Pi 的第一个节点软件版本发布以来,已经有超过 10 万名先驱者申请成为 Pi 的 Testnet 中的节点。

对于 2020 年第二季度,Pi 的目标是完成 Pi Testnet 的选择阶段,正如在 2020 年 3 月 31 日发布的节点文档(minepi.com/node-info)的“Testnet 路线图”部分所概述的那样。选择阶段包括:1.允许并组织所有节点申请人顺利安装运行节点软件所需的技术准备包。2.执行一致性算法的测试运行,以校准节点的硬件和软件需求。3.选择将成为 Testnet 上的节点和超节点的初始候选节点。

自从 3 月 31 日 Pi 的第一个版本的节点发布以来,超过 10 万名先驱者已经申请成为 Pi Testnet 上的节点/超级节点。到 2020 年 5 月 1 日,所有节点申请人都将获得节点软件中必要技术包的安装流程。我们目前正在最后确定必要的软件包,并将这些软件包的安装过程集成到一个直观和信息丰富的 node 软件界面中,该界面的目的是使先驱者的安装过程更加顺利,并准确地告知他们设备上的安装状态。

然后,核心团队将在成功安装节点技术准备包的先驱者的设备上测试运行 consensus 算法,并校准设备硬件和软件的需求,以实现可靠和安全的网络。我们预计在 2020 年 6 月 1 日前公布更详细的节点硬件和软件标准,并开始滚动通知申请人其选择状态。被选中的申请人将被邀请完成 KYC,以成为 Pi 的 Testnet 中的一个节点或超节点候选。然而,KYC 的插槽的声明可能会先于 KYC 槽节点的选择,因为选择是一个独立的过程,还使参与π生态系统的其他部分(如应用平台和功能在最初的应用程序),的细节将被包括在未来的文章在π的应用平台。


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  1. 希望在明天
    罗拔2020-04-18 10:45 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  2. 今年没希望kyc了?
    顿时2020-04-18 11:00 Linux | Chrome 76.0.3809.89
  3. 好饭不怕晚
    邯郸钢铁2020-04-20 13:49 Windows XP | Chrome 53.0.2785.104
  4. 哈哈,挺好?
    阳光使者2020-04-22 22:54 Linux | Chrome 77.0.3865.120