
Pi币快讯 Erica 5年前 (2020-04-23) 471314次浏览 471363 已收录 4个评论 扫描二维码

最新消息:4 月 15 日 pi 币核心成员 nicolas 在开发者频道发言

Pi network 联合创始人  技术负责人@nicolas,斯坦福大学博士、科学家。


@HHL19970910 Please update to the latest version, 1.27. We have a lot of people in a lot of different versions (31 different version as of yesterday) and it makes it really hard to fix bugs if people don’t Update.
@wangyaode1 Pi cares more about being real person. KYC is just a way to quickly prove being real person, not a fake account. If people can’t pass KYC now, no problem there will other ways to prove they are human, later.
@Rootandroideasy It is a mix of self-funding, friends and family, and a couple seed investors. We did not expect the server costs to grow so fast to such a large number. So now that the cost is so high we have to find a more sustainable way to pay for it, such as ads. We have started the conversation with the community to see what is the best way to fund the project sustainably. We want to find a way that is principled, aligned with the network’s goals and matches the seriousness of the project.


1.大家更新到最新版本 1.27。我们有很多人在很多不同的版本(昨天有 31 个不同的版本),如果人们不更新就很难修复 bug;

2.Pi更关心真实的人。KYC 只是一种快速证明真实身份的方法,而不是假账户。如果人们现在不能通过 KYC,没有问题,以后会有其他方式来证明他们是真人;



CPB 联盟 6 天前已经在项目方的帮助下,检测和更新了 1.27.2 版本,目前运行顺畅,大家可以扫码直接更新。

更多详情解读请点击下方二维码扫码加入 CPB 精英群。

目前 CPB 联盟拥有 400 多个微信社群,数十万名 pi 币爱好者,更有资深的币圈巨鲸坐镇,我们教你如何更加迅速的赚到人生的一桶金。


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  1. 很幸运遇见pi
    丹贝儿2020-04-24 00:30 Linux | Chrome 77.0.3865.120
  2. pi一定会成功
    邯郸钢铁2020-04-24 10:28 Windows XP | Chrome 53.0.2785.104
  3. 苹果系统没办法更新啊。怎么弄?苹果商店没有这款APP
    faniod2020-04-24 15:57 Windows 7 | Chrome 78.0.3904.108
  4. 升级很容易白屏
    白屏2020-04-30 17:08 Windows 10 | Chrome 78.0.3904.108