
Pi币快讯 Erica 5年前 (2020-04-29) 478115次浏览 478164 已收录 4个评论 扫描二维码


Pi Apps Platform Prototype

Our previous video series explained that the project has two goals in Pi Phase Two: 1) Building value and 2) Decentralizing the network. Building Pi’s application platform is a major strategy to achieve the first goal: building value. We aim to deliver the beta version of the apps platform by the end of the Q2 2020. Now, we are giving an update on how we plan to achieve that during the Q2.

We are adopting an iterative user-centric design methodology, which involves prototyping, testing, feedback collecting and improving of the platform. During Q2 2020, the Core Team will prototype and test the Pi Apps platform and initial Pi applications (Pi Apps). This means that the interfaces, functionalities and accessibility of the platform and initial apps will change over the course of this prototyping and testing period before being finalized. We will have time-limited releases of such prototypes for the community to test use and give feedback, and the prototypes and the initial apps may be taken down after testing for revision and get released again.

To support third-party apps, the Core Team will need to build the infrastructure that allows third-party integration into the Pi Network mobile application as well as Pi transfers integration into their apps. To transfer Pi to the third-party applications, Pioneers will need to pass KYC, but every Pioneer can use the functionalities of these apps that don’t involve sending Pi; for example, utility functionalities or receiving Pi from those apps do not require KYC. To build a pipeline of Pioneers ready to test the platform and initial Pi Apps, we will also be expanding KYC in the next few weeks.

As part of the prototyping and testing, we will release the first prototype of the apps platform to our community very soon, which includes Pi’s first third-party application. Recently, we were approached by a Stanford professor with an application that helps the world better predict where new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID 19) are developing and help discover which symptoms are most indicative of the COVID 19 while preserving individual privacy. As a global pandemic, COVID 19 has affected all corners of the world, and its pandemic nature calls for a global coordinated response, which Pi proudly will be able to assist. Pi transcends borders and Pioneers come from all countries in the world. Given the distribution of our global community, Pi Network is uniquely positioned to contribute to the fight against COVID 19. Given the importance of tackling this disease and the alignment with Pi’s value of bringing people together from all over the world, we’ve decided to choose this as the first third-party app in the initial prototype release of Pi’s Apps Platform.

This first app will allow members of the Pi community and others to contribute information about what, if any, symptoms they are experiencing, while preserving the privacy of the individual. Pi will not share any data about Pioneers with this COVID 19 app, except for their Pi username which is necessary for processing any in-app transfers of Pi and will be only shared with explicit consent by the Pioneer; Any data you submit inside the COVID 19 app will not be shared with Pi. Indeed, this first app is using a novel privacy-preserving technology to make sure even the app itself will not know the concrete symptoms you submit, and it does not collect any personal identifiable data. The specific technology will be introduced and explained by the creators of the app in a video on our home screen very soon when we release the initial prototype of Pi Apps platform. Stay tuned!

翻译:Pi Apps 平台原型

我们之前的视频系列解释了 Pi 第二阶段的项目有两个目标:1)建立价值和 2)分散网络。构建 Pi 的应用平台是实现第一个目标的主要策略:构建价值。我们的目标是在 2020 年第二季度末发布应用程序平台的测试版。现在,我们正在更新我们计划如何在第二季度实现这一目标。

我们采用迭代式的以用户为中心的设计方法,包括原型设计、测试、反馈收集和改进平台。在 2020 年第二季度,核心团队将原型和测试Pi 应用程序平台和初始Pi 应用程序(Pi Apps)。这意味着平台和初始应用程序的接口、功能和可访问性将在原型和测试期间发生变化,然后才最终确定。我们将有此类原型的限时发布,以供社区测试使用和提供反馈,原型和初始应用程序可能会在测试后进行修改并再次发布。

为了支持第三方应用,核心团队需要构建基础架构,允许第三方集成到 Pi 网络移动应用中,并将 Pi 传输集成到他们的应用中。要将圆周率传递给第三方应用程序,先驱者需要通过 KYC,但每个先驱者都可以使用这些应用程序的功能,而不需要发送圆周率;例如,实用功能或从这些应用程序接收 Pi 不需要 KYC。为了建立一个先驱者的管道,准备测试平台和初始Pi 应用,我们也将在未来几周扩展 KYC。

作为原型和测试的一部分,我们将很快向我们的社区发布应用程序平台的第一个原型,其中包括 Pi 的第一个第三方应用程序。最近,一位斯坦福大学的教授向我们提供了一个应用程序,该程序可以帮助世界更好地预测新型冠状病毒(COVID 19)的新病例在哪里出现,并帮助我们发现哪些症状最能反映 COVID 19,同时又能保护个人隐私。作为一种全球性的大流行,COVID 19 已经影响到世界的各个角落,其大流行的性质要求全球采取协调一致的应对措施,而 Pi 将自豪地提供协助。圆周率超越国界,来自世界各国的先锋。鉴于我们全球社区的分布,Pi 网络处于独特的位置,可以为打击 COVID 19 做出贡献。考虑到解决这一问题的重要性,以及 Pi 将世界各地的人们聚集在一起的价值,我们决定选择它作为 Pi 的应用程序平台最初原型发布的第一个第三方应用程序。

第一个应用程序将允许 Pi 社区的成员和其他人提供关于他们正在经历的症状的信息,如果有的话,同时保护个人隐私。Pi 将不会与 COVID 19 应用程序共享任何关于先驱者的数据,除非他们的 Pi 用户名是处理 Pi 在应用程序内的任何传输所必需的,并且只有在先驱者明确同意的情况下才能共享;你在 COVID 19 应用程序中提交的任何数据都不会与 Pi 共享。事实上,第一个应用程序使用了一种新颖的隐私保护技术,以确保即使是应用程序本身也不会知道你提交的具体症状,而且它不会收集任何个人身份数据。当我们发布Pi 应用程序平台的初始原型时,具体的技术将由应用程序的开发者在我们的主屏幕上的视频中介绍和解释。请继续关注!


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