
Pi币快讯 Erica 4年前 (2021-02-17) 230440次浏览 230489 已收录 1个评论 扫描二维码

最新:Pi币项目方将首推电脑桌面版钱包,区块链浏览器也在计划推出中We aim to launch the Mainnet by the end of this year. Once we are on mainnet anyone can exchange Pi freely directly through the pi blockchain.

我们的目标是在今年年底前推出 Mainnet。一旦我们进入主网,任何人都可以直接通过 pi 区块链自由地自由交换Pi


Ok. No problem. Your old stats are still stored under your username, and you will be invited again. Invitations are based on specific node installations, so now that you reformatted your system your old installation is gone but the stats we have for you are still there. So no worries. Give it some time.



@YQ8866 There are two kinds of KYC at play here. One is the current solution we have that we announced 100K slots. And the other is the future solution that will be able support all pioneers, that can be found in the brainstorm section, along with many other proposals by pioneers. We will make more announcements in the coming weeks about both.

有两种 KYC 在这里玩。一个是我们目前的解决方案,我们宣布 10 万插槽。另一个是未来的解决方案,将能够支持所有的先驱者,可以在头脑风暴部分找到,以及其他许多先驱者的建议。我们将在未来几周就这两方面做出更多的宣布。


@killerfrost01 The wallets need to be designed well for everyone to be able to understand. Right now we have launched them only for moderators. And soon we will invite all nodes to try them. However this is not the final version. We need more design iterations before the wallets are ready to be released to everyone. The major consideration is how to design them so that people have full control of their assets while at the same time we make it easy for them to not loose their private keys, loosing their assets.



Typo: soon we will invite all NODES to try them. Mods are already using them.

很快我们将邀请所有的节点来尝试他们。MODS 已经在使用他们了。


@ngocmai2012 Nice. We will have a block explorer after the wallets are released. We are focusing on the wallets first.



@mmc49101 Good to know your incoming connections are full. We have about 5000 functioning nodes now.

很高兴知道你的连接已满。我们现在有大约 5000 个功能节点。


@ngocmai2012 Pi has not publicly launched its mainnet yet, so there cannot be a block explorer for pi mainnet yet. The testnet is live and could have a block explorer but we are focusing on the wallets right now instead. Maybe a community member can build a block explorer for the testnet if they like, other we will definitely create one after wallets.

Pi尚未公开启动其主网,因此尚无 pi 主网的区块浏览器。测试网是实时的,可能有一个区块浏览器,但我们现在专注于钱包。如果他们愿意,也许社区成员可以为测试网构建一个区块浏览器,我们肯定会创建一个钱包


@kangwei0612 Everyone will have a wallet eventually. But initially the wallet will only be able on the desktop version of Pi. This only available to nodes.



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  1. 现在是信息时代,信息传播很快,虚拟货币市场发展很快,如果pi不加快发展,不解决总量问题,kyc问题,上主网问题,特别是总量问题,因为单价也很重要,可能就会失败
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