1 cent = 1/100 = 0.01
In the context of Testnet, transaction fee is 0.01 Test-Pi or one (test) pi-cent.
1 分= 1/100 = 0.01
在 Testnet(测试网)的情况下,交易费用为 0.01 (测试)Pi或一个(测试)Pi分。
In the context of US dollars, one cent is 0.01 dollars. In the context of Euro, one cent is 0.01 Euro. In the context of Pi, I’d argue that one cent is 0.01 Pi.
在美元的背景下,1 美分是 0.01 美元。就欧元而言,1 欧分是 0.01 欧元。在π上,我认为 1π分是 0.01π。
They will create, don’t worry. We will make the interface easier so that they create their wallets. But if someone doesn’t create a wallet then they cannot receive mainnet Pi at all. People need a wallet to access their pi.
先锋们会创建钱包的,不用担心。我们将简化界面,以便他们创建钱包。但是,如果某人没有创建钱包,那么他们将根本无法获得主网 Pi。人们需要一个钱包才能访问其 Pi。
简评:尼古拉斯的原话并非说 1pi 等于 1 美元,而是以美元和美分举例,Pi 的最小单位是 0.01pi。仅此。
