Pioneers, remember to keep your Pi Wallet passphrase safe and secret. Third-party websites or scammers have been increasingly asking Pioneers for their passphrases, so we want to further educate Pioneers on the importance of passphrase safety. First off, never share your passphrase. If you have, create a new wallet through the button above. Read more details above as well.
Keep your Pi Wallet passphrase safe!
Your Pi Wallet passphrase is like your private key to a crypto wallet. Even though we’re currently in the Testnet phase with Test-Pi, your current Pi Wallet will very likely be the same wallet on the Pi Mainnet where you receive your real Pi. Also, Pi Wallet will be able to store not only Pi but also any other types of crypto assets. Sharing your wallet passphrase is like handing over full custody of the crypto assets in your wallet. Thus, never share the passphrase of your Pi Wallet. Scammers and third-parties can use your passphrase to steal or move all your crypto assets including Pi. Since Pi Wallet is non-custodial, only you have access to your passphrase. Even Pi Core Team does not have and will not ask for your passphrase.
If you have shared your Pi Wallet passphrase unintentionally in the past, we suggest you stop using that wallet and create a new one through the button on the home screen. Please keep the passphrase to your new wallet safe! Pi Wallet resides in another mobile app of Pi Network – Pi Browser. The button on the whole screen will take you to download the right Pi Browser app and sign you in there.
With the growing popularity of Pi Network, we have received reports that scammers and websites have been increasingly asking Pioneers for their wallet passphrases. Therefore, please keep your Pi Wallet passphrase secret and watch out for unaffiliated third parties. Be aware of any person, website or mobile app that asks for your Pi Wallet passphrase, and please report such activities to our Support Portal here.
Watch the Mods Series video on the home screen and follow the two resources below to learn more about how Pi Wallet works.
How to create a Pi Wallet
Pi Wallet Q&A by @nicolas
保持您的 Pi 钱包密码安全!
你的 Pi 钱包密码就像你的加密钱包的私钥。尽管我们目前使用 Test-Pi 处于测试网阶段,但您当前的 Pi 钱包很可能与您收到真实 Pi 的 Pi 主网上的钱包相同。此外,Pi 钱包不仅可以存储 Pi,还可以存储任何其他类型的加密资产。分享你的钱包密码就像交出你钱包里加密资产的全部保管权。因此,永远不要分享你的 Pi 钱包的密码。骗子和第三方可以使用你的密码窃取或移动你的所有加密资产,包括 Pi。由于 Pi 钱包是不托管的,只有您可以访问您的密码。即使是 Pi 核心团队也没有,也不会要求你提供密码。
如果您在过去无意中分享了您的 Pi 钱包密码,我们建议您停止使用该钱包,并通过主屏幕上的按钮创建一个新的钱包。请将密码保存在您的新钱包里!Pi Wallet 驻留在 Pi Network 的另一个移动应用程序- Pi Browser 中。整个屏幕上的按钮将引导你下载正确的 Pi Browser 应用程序,并在其中签名。
随着 Pi 网络的日益普及,我们收到的报告显示,越来越多的骗子和网站向 pioneer 索要他们的钱包密码。因此,请保持您的 Pi 钱包密码保密,并注意非关联第三方。请注意任何要求您的 Pi 钱包密码的个人、网站或移动应用程序,并请在这里向我们的支持门户报告此类活动。
在主屏幕上观看 Mods 系列视频,并按照下面的两个资源了解更多关于 Pi 钱包的工作方式。
参与方法:打开 Pi 应用界面
安装并登录到 PI 浏览器
PI 浏览器是 PI 核心团队的一个不同的移动应用程序,并打算在未来通过更多的 PI 应用程序和实用程序提供分散的 Web 体验。
1)点击下面的按钮下载 PI 浏览器的官方 APK。只信任这里访问的 APK,并注意任何下载到其他地方的假冒 APK。
下载 APK
2)安装完毕后,点击下面的按钮在 PI 浏览器应用程序中登录您的帐户,在这里您可以创建移动 PI 钱包或访问其他 PI 应用程序,例如聊天和头脑风暴。
如果你没有自动登录,试着再次点击这个按钮,或者在浏览器上通过访问任何 PI 应用程序直接登录你的 PI 帐户。