
其他 Erica 5年前 (2019-12-31) 292429次浏览 292478 已收录 2个评论 扫描二维码

2019 年区块链技术引发金融行业巨变的一年,是主流社会开始全面重视数字货币及虚拟资产的元年。

曾经,一向强烈反对比特币和虚拟货币的 JP 摩根大通集团率先发出 JPM Coin,推进区块链技术在华尔街支付和内部清算等应用;

2019 年 6 月,Libra 白皮书横空出世,拥有 27 亿用户的 Facebook 计划推出的非主权稳定币 Libra,;

2019 年 6 月,G20 接受了对虚拟资产服务商进行全球一致监管的建议,并进而要求全球各个主要经济体的监管机构,

2019 年 10 月,更具影响力的事件在全球第二大经济体中国发生,习近平主席提出将区块链技术作为中国未来发展的核心战略科技之一,中国人民银行也紧跟释放重大资讯,宣告即将推出人民币数字货币及电子支付係统 DCEP(Digital Currency Electronic Payment)。

毫无疑义,比特币诞生 10 周年,带领金融科技革命到达一个新台阶的 2019 年,将真正迎来了数字经济和虚拟资产的春天!

Pi 币,一个新生事物,目前已有一百七十多个国家参与的创新项目,即将以分布式技术加入区块链新创大军。正逐步推动 End-to-End(端对端)运动。未来,无论是银行业还是资本市场,势必将更为透明、开放、流程简化、成本降低。这将是是一次全面的金融科技革命,因此也正是一场人类进步的社会运动!

中国 Pi 币网将会在法律允许的范围之内,为全球华人,乃至全世界 Pi 友提供给更加客观、真实、迅速的咨询,让更多参与者成为布道使者,让更多参与者受益,让更多参与者获得成就感。

2020 年,站在风口,拥抱金融科技,拥抱区块链和数字货币,相信 Pi 用户一定会收获满满!新年快乐!加油!

中国 Pi 币网



The year 2019, when blockchain technology led to great changes in the financial industry, was the first year when mainstream society began to pay full attention to digital currency and virtual assets.

In the past, JP Morgan chase group, which has always been strongly opposed to bitcoin and virtual currencies, took the lead in issuing JPM Coin to promote the application of blockchain technology in Wall Street payment and internal clearing.

In June 2019, the Libra white paper came out, and Facebook, with 2.7 billion users, plans to launch a non-sovereign stable currency, Libra.

In June 2019, the G20 accepted the proposal for global regulation of virtual asset servicers and went on to ask regulators in major economies around the world,

In October 2019, more influential events in the world’s second largest economy in China, Mr Xi will block the chairman chain technology as one of the core strategy for the future development of science and technology in China, the people’s bank of China also follow the release of important information, announced the upcoming DCEP Digital Currency and the Electronic Payment system (Digital Currency Electronic Payment).

There is no doubt that 2019, the 10th anniversary of bitcoin’s birth, will usher in the real spring of digital economy and virtual assets, bringing the fintech revolution to a new level.

Pi coin, a new thing, has been involved in more than 170 countries of innovation projects, will soon join the block chain with distributed technology. Is pushing the end-to-end movement. In the future, both banking and capital markets will be more transparent, open, streamlined and less costly. This will be a comprehensive fintech revolution, and therefore a social movement for human progress!

Within the scope permitted by law, China Pi coin network will provide more objective, real and rapid consultation for Chinese people all over the world, and even Pi friends all over the world, so that more participants become sermons, so that more participants benefit, so that more participants obtain a sense of achievement.

In 2020, stand in the center of the wind, embrace fintech, embrace blockchain and digital currency, I believe Pi users will reap a full harvest! Happy New Year! Come on!

China Pi coin network




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  1. 毫无疑义,比特币诞生10周年,带领金融科技革命到达一个新台阶的2019年,将真正迎来了数字经济和虚拟资产的春天!祝福大家2020年新年快乐!
    Erica2019-12-31 22:16 Windows 10 | Chrome 79.0.3945.88
  2. 对π的初级认知,还没跳出币圈思维,如果你用币圈思维来看π,撑死了千倍币,价格1000美金,还要3-5年实现。这种认知我只能说是初浅的。中级认知,看到派将会建立一个新的自由贸易体系,与传统经济形成竞争,并乐观估计,能够在一定程度占据有效市场份额,π的估值在5000-10000美金,目标3年。最高级的看法,π就是秦始皇,是统一全球秩序,结束人类几千年文明纷争,带领人类文明进去新纪元的开拓者,用技术实现全人类文明的信任体系,将文明推向更高阶层,在这个角度,π就是整个未来的人类价值系统,你用价格衡量系统,简直搞笑!-----Nic Wang 2020.1.1
    NIC2020-01-01 11:07 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126