Pi Network合规危机:美SEC质疑其KYC机制合法性
近期,加密货币领域备受瞩目的 Pi Network 陷入了一场严重的合规危机,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对其KYC机制的合法性提出了质疑,这一事件在币圈引起了轩然大波。Pi Network 概述Pi Network 是由一群斯坦福大学的博士团队发起的加密货币项目,旨在创建一个人人都能参与的加密货币挖掘平台。与传统的需要强大算力的挖矿方式不同,Pi Ne……
近期,加密货币领域备受瞩目的 Pi Network 陷入了一场严重的合规危机,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对其KYC机制的合法性提出了质疑,这一事件在币圈引起了轩然大波。Pi Network 概述Pi Network 是由一群斯坦福大学的博士团队发起的加密货币项目,旨在创建一个人人都能参与的加密货币挖掘平台。与传统的需要强大算力的挖矿方式不同,Pi Ne……
最新消息:通过对Pi Network 主网查询,截至 2025 年 1 月 5 日 11:24 分:Pi币迁移主网账户共计 9055288 个先锋账户:9033738已集成Pi:5537142304.91383距离主网 1000 万目标仅剩 94.4 万个,目前总流通量为 9.48 亿枚。 ……
官方最新消息:The network has reached over 13 million Pioneers who’ve passed KYC and over 6 million Pioneers who’ve migrated to Mainnet! Through our collective efforts, we’re ……
据小编和项目方沟通确定:若您的 UI 界面提示 184 天倒计时,则表示已经收到KYC等待映射主网即可;若 UI 界面提示 92 天倒计时,则表示尚未收到KYC通知倒计时;若 UI 界面提示 66 天倒计时,则表示收到KYC通知尚未操作倒计时;总之,注册 pi 币的用户请尽快登录账户确认自己的情况,避免未来账号存在作废风险。……
2023 年圆周率日快乐!让我们庆祝Pi Network 自正式推出以来的四周年纪念日。随着新产品的发布,我们将提供指导,指导开拓者如何为封闭网络的目标做出贡献,并使网络更接近其开放网络时期。观看创始人之一尼古拉斯·科卡利斯(NicolasKokkalis)的特别信息,并阅读完整的Pi日公告,以获得清晰和详细信息。具体内容:标题:全员出动,先锋们——今天……
The Pi Testnet has now about 12000 active nodes, making it one of the largest peer to peer networks in the world. This also means that we are one step further on our path to a more……
Important announcement: All wallet addresses are going to change soon. Your address will have to change too.Why? Based on your feedback, pass phrases are much more preferred compa……
Mine at a higher rate while you can. The mining rate may halve or fall to zero at Mainnet and when Pi reaches 100M engaged Pioneers. Don’t miss out! 值得注意的是上一次宣布 1400 万活跃用户是……
第①步:进入 Pi 钱包-点击生成钱包Generate your walletDo not press back button until you finish the whole process!翻译:生成您的钱包,在完成整个过程之前不要按后退按钮!Your wallet can technically store multiple assets……
今天查看了一下数据,发现我们已经免费为国内 Pi 用户提供了累计接近 1000 万次安卓下载地址分发。估计 Pi 下载地址除了 Google Play、APP Store 之外,我们和 Pi 官网的下载分发量不分伯仲。软件分发下载是为了方便一些 Pi 安卓用户更好的下载和更新软件,完全免费和义务为大家提供服务。截至本月,Pi 项目方已经释放和发布了 ……
Pi is a result of long term research and study about cryptos and people’s experiences, attitudes and thoughts of cryptos.People’s general thought about cryptos is to g……
We are answering selected questions submitted by the community about our new Pi Wallet! Watch the video here for the answers. To create your wallet, tap on the button above to star……
1 cent = 1/100 = 0.01In the context of Testnet, transaction fee is 0.01 Test-Pi or one (test) pi-cent.1 分= 1/100 = 0.01在 Testnet(测试网)的情况下,交易费用为 0.01 (测试)Pi 或一个(测试)Pi 分。In the ……
北京时间 4 月 28 日凌晨 3:07,Pi 项目方在推特发布如下推文:Our mainnet will launch Q4 of this year at earliest也就是说,Pi 项目按照目前的进度,最快主网将在 10 月 1 日之后启动,按照 Pi 项目的逻辑思维,如果在 10 月主网,极有可能会选择 10 月 24 日(1024 程……
Pi 币节点版本更新,最新版本号 0.4.4。新版节点的 UI 中增加了可选功能,可以选择是否运行区块链 API 服务,如果选择开启的话,节点运行时会有更多数据写入,会占用磁盘一定量的空间。 运行区块链 API 是一个可选的服务,该服务将允许你和其他用户与区块链交互,使用一种人们熟悉的 HTTP 端口 31401 交互界面,选择打开这项服务将……
Download the new Node version 0.4.4 released on Friday, April 30, if you haven’t yet. Older Node versions will stop being supported soon. The new release reduces the disk space ta……
Mine at a higher rate while you can. The mining rate may halve or fall to zero at Mainnet and when Pi reaches 100M engaged Pioneers. Don’t miss you out趁现在挖矿速度还快,尽可能的多挖 Pi,当主网或者 Pi……
这两天 Pi 圈变的热闹非凡,皆因为在马斯克的推波助澜下,让整个动物圈的币都蠢蠢欲动,特别是 SHIB 一度暴涨,这也让许多小白和韭菜忙不停的进圈…今天马斯克又一个环境等因素的言论,让比特币暴跌了 10%左右,灰度也因此不断发声。诸位可能会疑惑,一个意见领袖就能让币价“横冲直撞”,有人瞬间身价暴涨!有人却进坑为此埋单。不是去中心化的吗?怎么会因为一个人……
Pi 网络的两大主要产品:Pi 浏览器和移动 Pi 钱包。如需访问 Pi 浏览器和手机 Pi 钱包,请通过主界面上的按钮从 iOS app Store 或 Android Play Store 下载新的 Pi 浏览器 app。请确保您正在从核心团队下载官方的 Pi 浏览器应用程序(在商店列表中标记为“Pi 社区公司”),并注意假冒钱包或骗局。Pi 浏览器旨……
Updates and Q2 planThe Core Team’s strategies have always been decentralization, ecosystem-building and network growth.In Q1, we released the Pi Wallet – an important miles……
日期时间 | Points | 类别 | 状态 | 描述 |
2019-12-07 19:48:18 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_19 | |
2019-12-08 07:37:51 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_22 | |
2019-12-09 06:12:44 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_26 | |
2019-12-09 15:46:42 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_27 | |
2019-12-11 05:12:17 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_33 | |
2019-12-11 05:13:16 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_34 | |
2019-12-11 05:14:28 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_35 | |
2019-12-13 07:39:54 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_40 | |
2019-12-15 03:05:11 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_48 | |
2019-12-19 01:42:19 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_74 | |
2019-12-19 02:32:05 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_77 | |
2019-12-19 05:37:03 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_81 | |
2019-12-19 10:16:29 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_84 | |
2019-12-19 16:55:03 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_87 | |
2019-12-22 11:57:51 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_97 | |
2019-12-24 10:00:53 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_99 | |
2019-12-26 12:26:38 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_103 | |
2019-12-31 14:16:56 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_104 | |
2020-01-12 13:24:50 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_130 | |
2020-01-14 03:49:10 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_135 | |
2020-01-20 04:21:11 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_904 | |
2020-01-21 03:25:15 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_927 | |
2020-01-22 16:04:57 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_954 | |
2020-02-16 08:56:13 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1075 | |
2020-02-17 05:29:30 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1084 | |
2020-02-18 04:10:25 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1087 | |
2020-02-26 15:08:45 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1145 | |
2020-02-27 02:15:06 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1152 | |
2020-02-29 07:05:40 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1173 | |
2020-02-29 07:06:03 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1174 | |
2020-03-05 02:03:37 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1201 | |
2020-03-05 07:17:57 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1206 | |
2020-03-07 01:43:08 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1218 | |
2020-03-07 14:05:28 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1227 | |
2020-03-07 14:05:49 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1228 | |
2020-03-08 10:38:05 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1233 | |
2020-03-13 05:50:24 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1278 | |
2020-03-14 04:03:20 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1286 | |
2020-03-18 14:51:10 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1304 | |
2020-03-20 16:23:24 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1319 | |
2020-03-25 10:53:44 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1336 | |
2020-04-11 10:23:26 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1400 | |
2020-05-03 04:01:26 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1450 | |
2020-05-03 04:01:51 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1451 | |
2020-05-04 05:49:48 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1459 | |
2020-05-06 06:41:41 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1463 | |
2020-06-02 08:34:18 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1496 | |
2020-06-04 12:03:47 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1502 | |
2020-06-20 14:26:15 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1525 | |
2020-06-24 16:26:39 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1540 | |
2020-06-24 16:34:22 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1542 | |
2020-06-29 17:26:42 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1548 | |
2020-06-30 09:11:56 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1552 | |
2020-09-12 04:06:49 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1609 | |
2020-09-13 14:21:41 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1611 | |
2020-11-19 06:02:53 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1649 | |
2020-11-19 06:03:07 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1650 | |
2020-12-14 09:34:12 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1658 | |
2020-12-24 04:05:34 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1663 | |
2021-01-03 18:29:33 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1667 | |
2021-01-14 13:38:06 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1676 | |
2021-02-01 04:39:00 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1686 | |
2021-02-02 18:10:51 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1688 | |
2021-02-03 06:38:01 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1690 | |
2021-03-13 07:10:16 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1702 | |
2021-04-19 03:22:47 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1716 | |
2021-05-01 07:41:51 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1731 | |
2021-06-11 09:50:02 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1747 | |
2021-06-18 05:58:11 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1750 | |
2021-07-07 07:21:41 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1756 | |
2021-07-10 17:56:00 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1758 | |
2021-07-13 08:26:53 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1760 | |
2021-07-16 03:10:21 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1764 | |
2021-07-16 03:10:57 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1765 | |
2021-07-16 04:59:57 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1767 | |
2021-07-18 07:43:51 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1773 | |
2021-07-20 05:31:08 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1776 | |
2021-07-22 06:18:26 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1788 | |
2021-07-25 06:14:13 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1790 | |
2021-07-29 10:54:42 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1795 | |
2021-08-09 06:45:46 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1799 | |
2021-08-11 08:10:23 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1802 | |
2021-08-29 16:46:32 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1809 | |
2021-10-03 15:29:59 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1817 | |
2021-10-12 03:01:41 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1821 | |
2021-10-30 07:48:40 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1827 | |
2021-11-07 12:33:23 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1831 | |
2021-11-13 08:42:15 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1834 | |
2021-11-20 08:31:53 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1839 | |
2021-12-01 10:34:40 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1847 | |
2021-12-02 05:25:46 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1851 | |
2021-12-02 05:26:52 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1852 | |
2021-12-18 05:50:53 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1870 | |
2021-12-18 05:51:17 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1871 | |
2021-12-20 15:32:31 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1874 | |
2021-12-22 00:47:24 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1878 | |
2022-01-01 11:04:04 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1892 | |
2022-01-05 14:36:21 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1898 | |
2022-01-25 04:45:48 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1917 | |
2022-02-21 04:59:41 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1928 | |
2022-02-27 11:26:15 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1932 | |
2022-04-01 00:54:44 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1959 | |
2022-04-17 13:34:46 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1970 | |
2022-05-04 02:38:22 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1978 | |
2022-05-27 02:36:43 | 0 | accepted | comment_posted_1981 |
使用海外app store账号下载pi,然后账号密码登录即可
2022-04-01 08:54:42 发表在 PI币大陆手机认证短信空白如何操作可能是网络延迟导致
2022-02-27 19:26:14 发表在 最新:Pi币主网链目前有36款区块应用项目国内用户需要VPN
2022-02-21 12:59:37 发表在 最新:Pi币浏览器更新至1.6.1版本,Pi钱包已开启主网功能下载最新版
2022-01-25 12:45:46 发表在 最新:Pi币项目方更新技术和部署主网以及KYC说明每一篇文章都有日期
2022-01-05 22:36:18 发表在 最新:Pi币浏览器更新至1.6.1版本,Pi钱包已开启主网功能确认帐号没错?
2022-01-01 19:04:02 发表在 pi币手机验证不成功怎么办?目前是的,
2021-12-22 08:47:20 发表在 最新:Pi币主网来临!请按照以下6步骤将Pi转移到主网!还不可以
2021-12-20 23:32:26 发表在 最新:Pi项目方发布新的KYC方案,主网前你需要知道这些问题全面主网之后就可以
2021-12-18 13:51:14 发表在 最新:Pi币主网来临!请按照以下6步骤将Pi转移到主网!不影响
2021-12-18 13:50:49 发表在 中文图解Pi币APP详细安装步骤海外的app store账号搜索 pi Browser
2021-12-02 13:26:51 发表在 最新:Pi币新版本在哪里下载?有的
2021-12-02 13:25:42 发表在 最新:Pi币项目创始人最新发言透露KYC方案即将更新版本和发布操作流程