We’d like to officially dedicate the first Friday of February every year as Pi Mod Appreciation Day to our Pi Chat Moderators for their voluntary hardwork in supporting……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-02-05) 213440浏览 0评论27个赞
北京时间 2 月 2 日 23 点左右,社群很多参与节点测试的派员陆续收到了Pi Node 容器测试的通知。正常开启情况如下图:如果你的电脑节点没有同步,提示:your computer is not running theblockchain,如下图所示:简单的处理解决方案:打开电脑任务管理器,找到 pi Network 应……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-02-03) 354682浏览 4评论6个赞
We added back all old nodes. If you haven’t upgraded to 0.4.1, we recommend doing so. Plus we are working on a 0.4.2 for additional minor fixes (keep an eye)我们重新添加了所有旧节点。如果您……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-01-29) 196806浏览 0评论9个赞
Quick update: the reset of the Testnet went very well. It was completed successfully and the new blockchain works beautifully. Our history-CDN is correctly connected to the fresh ……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-01-28) 230287浏览 1评论11个赞
Mine at a higher rate while you can. The mining rate may halve or fall to zero at Mainnet and when Pi reaches 100M engaged Pioneers. Don’t miss out! Pi的进程速度很快。当Pi达到 1 亿时或者主网的时候,采……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-01-27) 298261浏览 0评论23个赞
FYI, in the next 15-24 hours, we plan to launch a new version of the node (v0.4.0). So keep an eye for it We wil make more announcements about it at that time.Also, the time for……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-01-26) 177117浏览 0评论12个赞
Hi everyone, in my lecture this week at Stanford, I explained how the blockchain works through introducing the basics of Bitcoin. You are welcome to watch it on YouTube if you are ……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-01-23) 283126浏览 0评论17个赞
北京时间 2021 年 1 月 21 日 22:00 左右,Pi界面出现了一个细微的变化,许多Pi用户的界面出现了KYC按钮提示。 如上图提示,已经 KYC 的用户,点击链接会提示:通过与项目方沟通了解,Pi项目方正在功能测试,具体原因等官方公告,暂不能剧透。目前通过 KYC 的用户均为通过 Yoti 认证用户。如果你访问……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-01-21) 335762浏览 1评论20个赞
Your Pi is safe – but may seem lower during Lite mode@PiCoreTeamPi Lite mode is turned on either when the service is under technical maintenance or upgrade or when there is……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-01-09) 395124浏览 0评论26个赞
Pi Network Support GuideThis post is meant to help guide Pioneers on how they can get support in Pi Network.The first place to look for answers to your questions about Pi Network……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-01-08) 370011浏览 0评论9个赞
The Core Team is launching a new app prototype in the Pi Apps Platform where Pioneers can propose Pi App ideas, join projects and engage Pioneers to join projects, and KYC’ed Pione……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2020-12-25) 534308浏览 3评论31个赞
今天 15:00 左右,国内和国外很多 Pi 友无法访问 Pi,打开软件是如下状态:遇到如上问题,不用担心!不需要卸载 APP 等错误操作,我们在第一时间检测到舆情之后就向 Pi 项目方做了舆情报告。目前 Pi 项目方已经在操作和恢复 Bug,从我们的社群用户反馈信息,陆续可以正常访问 Pi 应用了,还请大家不用着急!……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2020-12-20) 434984浏览 1评论4个赞