Pi Node update & future plansWelcome to the first Pi convention! The past few days we asked Pioneers to come up with unique names to call our convention through a Pi Topic. An……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2020-10-16) 292989浏览 1评论16个赞
Welcome to the first ever Pi Convention!Tomorrow we are going to have the first session of the Pi convention. The online Convention will have 5 sessions in total.By design, we h……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2020-10-15) 199873浏览 0评论11个赞
We’re inviting Pioneers to brainstorm and crowd source a name for our upcoming Pi Convention. Apparently, ‘Pi Convention’ can be a default possibility, but we’d like to see if the ……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2020-10-09) 153793浏览 1评论1个赞
Pi Convention is scheduled to have its first session on October 15, 2020. Read more above about the process, format and agenda.《 Pi 公约》计划于 2020 年 10 月 15 日举行第一届会议。有关上述进程,格式和议程的更……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-10-01) 296103浏览 0评论19个赞
2020 年 9 月 26 日,项目方更新节点从 0.3.4 升级到 0.3.6 版本,更新地址:https://node.minepi.com/node/没有更新的 Pi 友,在线下载自动更新即可。新增功能:包含:1.节点版本;2.节点测试电脑系统版本;3.节点安装时间;4.最近 90 天的测试可用率: 更多详情解读请点击下方……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-09-26) 307777浏览 1评论13个赞
We are introducing a series of Earning Team Management features to help Pioneers better organize their earning team members, prevent trolls, protect privacy, report fake accounts ……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-09-23) 260373浏览 0评论27个赞
官方最新消息,全球活跃用户突破 800 万人,距离上一次 8 月 8 日公布全球活跃用户突破 700 万人,详见:https://www.chinapibi.com/1547.html仅用了 1 个月时间,平均每天新增 29400 人左右。按照目前的用户增长速度,预计在 11 月 1 日—10 日即将突破 1000 万人。让我们期待 1000 万用户的来……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-09-11) 468273浏览 7评论40个赞
我们很高兴能介绍一个新的版本的 Pi 节点,它可以运行区块链,并使被选中的候选节点能够实时跟随 Pi Testnet 的区块链。这个节点版本将启动 Pi Testnet 的修订阶段。New Node Version v0.3.4We’re excited to introduce a new version of the Pi Node (v0.3.4……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-09-05) 319360浏览 0评论13个赞
We’re announcing 100,000 free KYC slots open to Pioneers over the next few months. On a daily basis starting today, our system will automatically select Pioneers based on their pas……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-08-29) 369559浏览 0评论29个赞
今日 Pi 币项目方更新了功能,新增了“REPORT”按钮,支持在自己的团队内举报虚假账号,操作方式如下:点击 REPORT 按钮之后,只需要找到你认为的虚假账号,然后点击前面的红色警示标致即可。项目方设计的初衷是屏蔽虚假账号,剔除聊天室内恶意广告党,净化群聊空间的一种措施,也是清理恶意刷号行为。特别提示:请谨慎投诉自己团队的用户 ID,不要因为……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-08-27) 326170浏览 2评论13个赞
Convention Agenda Topics & Round 2 ApplicationsBased on the over 17,000 submissions to our round 1 convention speaker application, we drafted the initial Convention Sect……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-08-21) 363151浏览 1评论34个赞
As our network grows, there has been a recent increase of scams claiming to involve Pi. Remember that Pi is mined for free but currently not for sale. We are not affiliated with an……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-08-12) 354553浏览 1评论13个赞