北京时间 4 月 28 日凌晨 3:07,Pi项目方在推特发布如下推文:Our mainnet will launch Q4 of this year at earliest也就是说,Pi项目按照目前的进度,最快主网将在 10 月 1 日之后启动,按照Pi项目的逻辑思维,如果在 10 月主网,极有可能会选择 10 月 24 日(1024 程序员节……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-04-28) 516090浏览 0评论23个赞
We are answering selected questions submitted by the community about our new Pi Wallet! Watch the video here for the answers. To create your wallet, tap on the button above to star……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-04-24) 1491661浏览 0评论35个赞
第①步:进入Pi钱包-点击生成钱包Generate your walletDo not press back button until you finish the whole process!翻译:生成您的钱包,在完成整个过程之前不要按后退按钮!Your wallet can technically store multiple assets. ……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-03-28) 1045770浏览 6评论33个赞
Important announcement: All wallet addresses are going to change soon. Your address will have to change too.Why? Based on your feedback, pass phrases are much more preferred compa……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-03-28) 540742浏览 2评论18个赞
Mine at a higher rate while you can. The mining rate may halve or fall to zero at Mainnet and when Pi reaches 100M engaged Pioneers. Don’t miss out! 值得注意的是上一次宣布 1400 万活跃用户是……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-03-26) 277383浏览 0评论48个赞
On Pi Day, we announced that the Pi wallet on the Testnet with Test-Pi will be released on March 31, 2021. We’ve seen an increase in reports of potential scams pretending to be ……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-03-20) 252944浏览 1评论13个赞
Instructions To create and Play with your wallet:It’s available in desktop Node UI only the moment. Refresh the UI by clicking [x] on the node app to close the UI, and star……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-03-07) 202129浏览 0评论10个赞
Pi Wallet newsAfter testing multiple versions of the wallet with the Moderators community, the Core Team had a test release of the Pi Wallet to any active Node during an approxim……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-03-06) 211141浏览 0评论8个赞
今日,Pi项目方重磅释放钱包测试了,打开方式:电脑上打开 Pi Node 然后通过菜单栏找到钱包选项,具体如下:特别说明一点:目前是测试阶段,每个测试账户每 48 小时之释放一次币,每次 100pi,第二次需要 48 小时以后。没有保存私匙,0 点后再重置,一天只有一次重置,记得保存 S 开头。……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-03-05) 406187浏览 1评论16个赞
I just want to give a quick update on how things are going. We are currently working on scaling up the faucet. The current faucet is working fine for a small number of people but ……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2021-03-03) 162420浏览 0评论8个赞
最新消息:Pi 已经开始 APP 内转测试,这预示 Pi 即将进入交易流通阶段,留给我们免费挖币且能保持在一个比较高的挖矿 Rate 的时间不多了!Pi:手机版比特币Pi 目前内转钱包已经开始测试,中国 Pi 币网温馨提示以下几个需要提前准备的东西:1.准备一个 U 盘,用于保存钱包地址,以及钱包密钥,助记……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2019-11-08) 648575浏览 0评论21个赞