Pi Convention is scheduled to have its first session on October 15, 2020. Read more above about the process, format and agenda.《 Pi 公约》计划于 2020 年 10 月 15 日举行第一届会议。有关上述进程,格式和议程的更……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2020-10-01) 294804浏览 0评论19个赞
We are introducing a series of Earning Team Management features to help Pioneers better organize their earning team members, prevent trolls, protect privacy, report fake accounts ……继续阅读 » Erica 4年前 (2020-09-23) 259023浏览 0评论27个赞
今日 Pi 币项目方更新了功能,新增了“REPORT”按钮,支持在自己的团队内举报虚假账号,操作方式如下:点击 REPORT 按钮之后,只需要找到你认为的虚假账号,然后点击前面的红色警示标致即可。项目方设计的初衷是屏蔽虚假账号,剔除聊天室内恶意广告党,净化群聊空间的一种措施,也是清理恶意刷号行为。特别提示:请谨慎投诉自己团队的用户 ID,不要因为……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-08-27) 324920浏览 2评论13个赞
Convention Agenda Topics & Round 2 ApplicationsBased on the over 17,000 submissions to our round 1 convention speaker application, we drafted the initial Convention Sect……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-08-21) 362052浏览 1评论34个赞
As our network grows, there has been a recent increase of scams claiming to involve Pi. Remember that Pi is mined for free but currently not for sale. We are not affiliated with an……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-08-12) 336851浏览 1评论13个赞
Mine at a higher rate while you can. The mining rate will either halve or fall to zero when Pi reaches 10M engaged Pioneers. Don’t miss out! We are still very early.翻译:趁你还来得及,以更快……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-08-08) 357296浏览 0评论34个赞
Pi Lite mode is turned on either when the service is under technical maintenance or upgrade or when there is very high traffic. Lite mode allows only essential features of Pi, e.g.……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-07-30) 256882浏览 0评论30个赞
趁你还来得及,以更快的速度来我的。当 Pi 达到 1000 万雇佣的开拓者时,开采率要么减半,要么降为零。当我们突破五百万大关时,我们计划在 2020 年第三季度末举行一次在线会议。阅读更多关于大会的初步计划。Initial plan of the Pi ConventionPi Network right now has over 6 Million……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-07-08) 692219浏览 4评论71个赞
项目方回应:我们最近正在做技术准备将我们的服务器分散到世界各个地区,而并不是只集中在美国加州。 不幸的是这两天一部分服务器的问题,加上 Pi2 节日的高流量,导致中国地区的用户只能用 Lite 版本。我们正在积极抢修,与此同时我们还在准备今明两天就要向全球发布的 Pi 应用平台。今天我们刚把新用户注册的功能添加到 Lite 版本里, 使新用户注册不受其影响……继续阅读 » Colin 5年前 (2020-06-30) 393543浏览 5评论37个赞
Let’s #Pi2gether!Activities:Add Pi frame to FB profile pictureAdd Pi frame to FB videos/photosNo facebook? share this elsewhereRead more:Happy Pi2 Day (6/28) to every Pione……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-06-28) 434037浏览 2评论62个赞
Curious about what the Core Team has been working on for the past few weeks? Pi Apps platform, Pi Node and Scalability. Tap “Read more” for a detailed update.对核心团队在过去几周的工作内容感到好奇吗?……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-06-20) 599266浏览 10评论77个赞
Funding Model Update: In-app adsThanks to the Pioneers that submitted over 10,000 comments and ideas about how Pi could achieve more sustainable funding. Today’s post focuses on ……继续阅读 » Erica 5年前 (2020-04-28) 343618浏览 4评论82个赞